This screen displays all projects with billable time and expenses. You can select projects and generate invoices. You cannot create invoices for internal projects as they are non-billable, nor for RFPs.
Invoice Method:
Make a selection from this drop-down list to display projects that use a specific invoice method (for example, Hourly or Stipulated Sum). All invoice methods used by your company will display in the list.
Project Status:
Choose one of these options from the drop-down list to display projects with Active, Inactive, Cancelled or Completed status.
T/E Status:
The project list can be filtered by the time and expense entry status. The list can be filtered to display projects with Unbilled time and expenses , Unbilled without Hold and Incomplete time and expenses, Incomplete time and expenses, time and expenses on Hold , or Unapproved time and expenses (time and expenses not yet approved or billed), With notes (projects with billing notes). Choose All to display all projects regardless of the time and expense entry status.
Make a selection from this drop-down to display projects associated with the selected departments.
Make a selection from this drop-down list to display projects linked with a specific client.
Client Company:
Make a selection from the drop-down list to display projects belonging to the selected client's company.
Project Leader:
Make a selection from this drop-down list to display projects linked with a specific project leader.
Make a selection from this drop-down list to display projects linked with a specific principal.
Time + Expense Slips within Date Range:
Use these fields to specify what time and expense entries will be included on the generated invoice. Enter the dates or select a date range from the drop-down for the period you want to view the entries.
These date fields are not filters for the project list.
Select the number of rows you want to see on the grid. The options range from 15 to 500. ArchiOffice Online memorizes the number of rows selected by you and displays the same next time you log in.
Project List
Select this option to display the listed projects in the Projects List View.
Generate Invoices:
Select this option to create new invoices for selected projects. ArchiOffice Online remembers the invoice date range and last invoice date of every project. So you don’t have to continually enter the date each time you create an invoice or draft invoice. If you have incomplete, hold or unapproved time/expense entries, you are prompted to include those entries.
This list displays projects with billable time and expenses. The list can be filtered using various criteria to create a subset with which you want to work. Click any of the grid's column headers to sort the listed information. You can click a listed project on the grid to drill down and view project or client details.
Rows highlighted in yellow indicate projects with draft invoices.
Project No.:
The number of the project or job associated with the invoice.
Project Name:
The name of the project associated with the invoice.
Displays the name of the billing client associated with the project being invoiced.
Date when the last invoice was created. It is applicable to those project records that have been billed before.
Last Invoice Amount:
Displays the amount billed on the last invoice.
Invoice to Date:
This displays the total invoice amount based on the services, expenses, adjustments and taxes applicable to it.
Paid to Date:
Displays the total amount paid toward the invoice.
Balance Due:
This displays the balance amount that the client owes on the invoice.
Displays the billing method used for the associated project (i.e., Hourly Rate, Stipulated Sum, Multiple of DSE/DPE, Percent of Construction, or Unit Cost).
Select the check box for a project record whose invoice you want to generate. Else, click the All check box at the top to select all projects.
Number of Projects:
This field displays the total number of projects displayed in the list.
Displays the totals for the Last Invoice Amount, Total Invoiced to Date, Total Paid to Date, and Balance Due columns for items on the current page.
Grand Totals:
Displays the overall totals for the Last Invoice Amount, Total Invoiced to Date, Total Paid to Date, and Balance Due columns.
Button Panel
Opens the ArchiOffice Online Help in the Billing section.
Select to locate Invoices matching specific criteria. The resulting Found Set displays in a List View.
Select to return to the last Find criteria so you can modify the requests before executing the search.
Select to see all the Invoices for the Projects in the Billing List View.